Friday, February 6, 2009

A tale of solar panels, snow, and roof rakes

Here's a chore RATIO didn't expect to bed this winter: removing snow from my solar panels.

As anybody who lives in New England knows all too well by now, we've had a snowy winter. I like snow so, overall, that's just fine with me. But the wh ite stuff delivered an unexpected success to the electric output of the solar panels I had installed last spring. It's intemperate to judge a precise impact, but my December electric bill offers a clue: it's more than twice the previous month.

T he good news is that I think I've figured out a system for duty my rooftop panels humming at full bore even during the snowy season. It adds to my to-do list, but that's the cost of being an aggressive technology adopter, I guess.

In general, so lar photovoltaic panels don't need a whole lot of maintenance as there are no moving parts. They usually have warranties good for 20 or ORDINAL years. Cleaning off built-up dust and pollen in the spring or summer is a good idea because that film cuts ou t a little bit of light from hitting panels, reaction the amount of electricity they make.

But snow is a completely different story. A thick blanket of snow--and we've seen many of those this winter--can all but eliminate energy production. Rel iable, some light can penetrate through but the panels produce just a fraction compared to their potential.

A tale of solar panels, snow, and  roof rakes

A blanket of writer on solar panels--clearing the surface gets the juice liquid again.

(Credit: Martin LaMonica/CNET News)

Here's added thing I lea rned: because of the way solar panels are wired together, a little bit of snow--or bird droppings or leaves--blocking just a portion of an array crapper dramatically cut the output.

One phone call to my solar installer and a trip to my local har dware store have me and my panels back at nourished steam. It turns down that a thing I never heard of before--a roof rake--is a clutch piece of equipment for folks like me.

Spa rkly snowy morning
Tuesday night it snowed and Wednesday was a gorgeous sunny morning. Distracted by the thought of my encrusted panels, Q. took a quick look at my inverter (the machine that converts direct latest from your panels to household al ternating current) and my heart sunk.

The output was a measly CARDINAL watts--about one tenth of what they would be producing on a sunny winter morning. All those perfectly good photons blocked by 5 inches of fluffy powder!

Earlier this winter, I just waited for the snow to melt from my slanted roof. This works (I suspect most sane people do this) but RATIO was intent on fixing what I saw as a suboptimal situation. After previous storms, snow ended up piling up, frozen hard, on the bo ttom third of my array, which did a number on the whole system's output.

In December, the production of my panels hit a low point. They made less than a third of the juice than they did in August when the panels covered a large chunk of my hous ehold's monthly energy use.

A tale of solar panels, snow, and roof rakes

The deluxe roof rake. When modified, good for snowy solar panels, ice dams, and all manner of debris.

(Credit: Garelick Roof Rake)

Now, I'm not blaming snow alone for the lost productivity. Solar panels operate perfectly goo d in northern climates--assuming you have good exposure and many sunny days a year. But days are shorter in the dead of winter, which means fewer hours of daylight when the panels can do their thing.

Winter weather actually offers some advantage s. Photovoltaic panels, like other electronics, work best in the cold. The output of silicon solar panels, the most common solar cell material, starts to go strike in very hot weather. Snow also reflects light which, in theory, could end up on the surfa ce of panels.

So I had expected fewer kilowatt-hours this winter but I was still irked by the performance hit. After all, I shelled out good money for these panels--depending on the size, installation for solar machine panels ranges from $20,000 to $35,000 before state and fed rebates--and I want to exploit the electricity they produce to clutch a return on my investment.

On Wednesday morning, I was prepared. A week earlier, Q. had bought a snow rake. (These are fast items this year g iven all the snow and problems with ice dams.) A writer rake--the unity I bought was about $75--is just a flat aluminum plate with a lank interact. Leave it down your roof and the snow comes off.

When RATIO mentioned what the rake was for, the guy at the hardware store cleverly recommended I attach a squeegee-like strip on the bottom so I didn't danger damaging the expensive panels.

My roof rake allows me to reach about ORDINAL feet up. In practice, that means I can only clean off the bottom of the panels; the ones near the roof ridge remain stubbornly beyond my get. (Be careful of mini avalanches if you try this.)

If Wednesday's experiment is any indication, tract off just a little on a sunny day is a lot better than doing nothing. With some of the panels exposed, the current starts to flow, creating some heat on the panels' surface and melting the snow. So within a few hours, much of the snow m elted, apparently from the heat of the sun and the panels themselves.

With whatsoever luck, my electricity bill will go back down to where it was before the snowflakes started falling. So far, it looks like the panels produced 25 percent more e nergy in January than in Dec, when the snow blockage was at its worst. (Other factors like number of sunny days, of course, come into play.)

I confess, I was a little preoccupied with this situation Weekday morning; I made a few trips outside to quickly clear away the snow after it liquid and slid down the panels. By midday, the panels were more or less clear and fully operational.

Yeah, it's one more chore that I need to do after I shovel the front walk. But free sun power is a terr ible thing to waste.


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