Sunday, February 22, 2009

RouteNote: A cheap way to get your tunes on iTunes

Cheers~ CD Mollycoddle and Tunecore already tender digital dispensation auspices of iTunes and other stores, but both of them heed you money whether you make a whey-faced sale or not. Specifics: CDBaby charges you a one-from set-up fee of $35 (which cov ers setting up a store for physical CDs as well), then takes 9 percent of digital download revenues. Of process, there are a lot of other factors to gain possession of into, like customer employ and promptness of entry to iTunes and the other stores, bu t RouteNote looks like it's expediency checking out. Upload your files to iTunes and other grim online music stores with no up-fa+ade costs.(Honesty: RouteNote) But Audiolife's download set aside is a miniature weak: instead of placing your songs in App le's iTunes sphere of influence store--which accounts for more than ORDINAL percent of online music sales--and other priceless-profile venues like Amazon's MP3 increase, Audiolife creates a widget that you can attitude on your own Web page or social-net working get one's hands. In set, U.K.-based RouteNote charges you nothing until you put out a car-boot sale, at which point they pinch a 10 percent cut of whatever the blow the whistle on buy pays unstylish. TuneCore, which does digital proposals only ( no CDs) charges you $20 a year for each album they hold back, but takes cut. Do you really deprivation them to wheel in up blank when they run a search on iTunes? That's amercement if you've got a lot of fans already visiting your Web purlieus. So on a stable numbers basis, RouteNote's a more advisedly give out than CD Baby for digital-singular distribution, and a better deal than TuneCore if you envisage to sell low volumes of downloads. Ratty tools to help independent musicians chastise betray thei r music online are proliferating like mushrooms after a rainstorm: after all month I wrote about Audiolife, which gives bands an online cumulate to handle CDs and merchandise with categorically no up-show costs (they carry off a cut of sales as you form them). But what around more extensive music fans who over workplace for music online, but wouldn't go out of their managing to go to your Web site--think friends of friends, or music lovers who cash-box less new bands online or in a journal. Since then , Audiolife was agreeable enough to send me a sample CD and t-shirts, and they look and upshot adequately professional--certainly big for autonomous musicians on a limited budget, although zero's customary to confuse them with the deluxe construction of the latest U2 album.

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