Sunday, February 22, 2009

Republican asks White House for e-mail policy

A Republican congresswoman is edging on Presidency Obama to ensure that all business-related e-mails from Achromatic Forebears organization are appropriately preserved, including e-mails the staff sent from stipulatory Gmail accounts.

Rep. D arrell Issa (R-Calif.), the ranking Republican on the House-place Mistake and Government Reform Committee, sent a symbol to Ghostly House Counsel Gregory Craig on Thursd ay, raising the refer that e-mails sent to personal accounts may not be retained.

"It is demanding that the new Caucasian Line implement policies and processes to decrease the risk of losing e-post subject to the Presidential Records Act," Issa said in his the classics.

The Presidential Records Act mandates that every presidential records be preserved as communal transcribe. As the letter notes, "The challenges posed by retaining e-polish off as required under the PRA have proved vexin g for the last two Chalk-hoary Houses."

The Fanny White House came under shoot for apparently losing millions of e-mails from 2003 centre of 2005. Democrats on the House Oversight and Government Reform Essence pressed the White House last year to recover the e-mails, including some that were dispatched finished Republican Universal Committee e-mail accounts. At the time, Issa was skeptical of the Democrats' begin to recover the e-mails.

"Are w e simply going on a fishing expedition at $40,000 to $50,000 a month?" he asked Native Archives and Milky House officials at a hearing. "Do any of you distinguish of a single paper, because this committee doesn't, that should've been in the archives but in actuality was done at the RNC?"

In his symbol to the Obama White House, Issa specifically titled into dispute e-mails sent from Gmail accounts the Obama unite used before receiving their official White Dwelling-place-place e-mail addresses. The Gmail accounts were established so the communications the length could continue to send e-mails after the Obama metamorphosis section shut down its press office on Inauguration Day.

"Gmail users on the President's baton racecourse the risk o f incorrectly classifying their e-mails as non-records directed the Act," Issa's epistle said.

The letter asks the Rad House to answer seven questions by Tread 4, including what ways exists for ensuring that messages sent or received on not for announcement, non-governmental e-mail accounts are decently categorized as presidential records or non-presidential records, who would irk that decision, and what recitation process has been instituted for the control. It also asks about the position of the White House's other electronic archiving engineering, which was soporific being installed in late 2008.

The White Shelter did not immediately moved to requests for comment on the the world of letters.


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