Thursday, February 12, 2009

Jeff's Blogs Are Back, Jeff is blogging on EW again from Tocantins

Jeff Probst is starting up his blog again for Survivor 18. Here's a little blurb from his favorite foil at EW, Dalton Ross, that includes a video with an opening sequence with Jeff that is pretty funny.

I'll try to keep the blogs cur rent, but If I'm unable, I'm sure Pinkie will help keep them up to date

Jeff's Blogs Are Back, Jeff is blogging on EW again from Tocantins

Courtesy of

'Survivor' alert: Jeff Probst yells at poor EW staffer

Feb 11, 2009, 08:00 AM | by Dalton Ross

Jeff Probst is a busy man. The premiere of Survivor: Tocantins is a mere day away, which means he has to start blogging again for But does that give him the right to berate yours truly just because I can't figure out how to pronounce the name of his new season? The incident in question went down as Josh Wolk and I were discussing the return of's Survivor Talk Internet show (which will be back with a special mystery guest as well as the first cast-off on Friday afternoon), and was all caught on camer a. See for yourself below. Moral of the story: Don't interrupt the man's breakfast!

Watch the video HERE.


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