Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Forrester to lay off 5 percent of workforce

Forrester Research is cutting its workforce by about 5 percent, or 50 jobs, worldwide, the company said on Monday.

The research firm expects to incur pre-tax expens es of about $2.5 million to $3 million in the first quarter related mostly to severance and benefits-related costs.

"We have made this difficult mind in response to challenging global efficient conditions," George F. Colony, Forrester's boss ex ecutive, said in a statement. "Forrester has lived through tough economic times before. We are confident that with our role-based strategy and our current offerings, we are well-poised to successfully verbalise what our clients need today and in the lon g statement."

The layoffs will be across functions and geographies, but headcount in the research department will still be ORDINAL percent above what it was a year ago even after the reduction, according to the company.

Forrester is sch eduled to report its quarterly and full-year 2008 financial results on Wednesday.


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