Friday, February 6, 2009

Facebook steps into OpenID Foundation

Facebook steps into OpenID Foundation

Facebook has connected the board of the OpenID Foundation and will host an OpenID Design Summit later this month, according to a post on the social network's developer blog.

This is a bit of a surprise because Facebook has developed its own universal log-in standard, Facebook Connect, which theoretically competes with the nonprofit OpenID standard. It should be noted that Facebook has not yet announced whatsoever official plans to make the two compatible, and that just joining the board and hosting an event might not quell the criticism from open-source advocates who say Facebook is still too proprietary in its nature.

Engineer Luke Playwright will be Facebook's represe ntative on the OpenID Foundation board, a corresponding post on the OpenID blog explained, adding that Shepard has been "a huge internal pleader for OpenID" at Facebook. The board also consists of members from Google, IBM, Microsoft, PayPal, VeriSign, and Yahoo as recovered as seven elected "community" members. Many of the corporate board members joined about a year ago; OpenI D creator Brad Fitzpatrick is now exploited by Google and has helped to build its OpenSocial developer platform standard.

"Given the popularity and positive user experience of Facebook Connect, we look forward to Facebook working within the commun ity to improve OpenID's usability and reach," the post by David Recordon and Chris Messina read.

Facebook's blog flier, written by engineering VP Mike Schroepfer, expressed similar goals. "It is our hope that we can take the success of Facebook Co nnect and pass together with the community to build easy-to-use, safe, open and fortify separated identity frameworks for use across the Web," Schroepfer wrote.

Facebook made a significant portion of its dev eloper platform code open-source last summer.


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